Market Views and Research


PREMIUM - The basics behind our model portfolio

Posted on 20th Jun 2020 by the LSS team
#model portfolio

We are here to guide you on the way to achieving better investment results, and in our personal views there's no better way to do so than through our model portfolio. In a way you can view this as how we would implement our own signals in our investment process if we had to make most optimal use of the daily quantitative output of our models (and in fact it's exactly what I do in my personal portfolio). So how does the model portfolio come about?... Read More

About Win Rates and Signals

Posted on 28th Jun 2020 by the LSS team
#signals #investment process #model portfolio

I wanted to share a quick few thoughts with you about using our signals in your investment process, and what to expect in terms of win rates. Are we at LongShortSignal actually able to predict the market, if so why is no one else doing it and exactly how game-changing is our output? Those are a few of the things I will go into in this very short piece. For starters, it is my firm belief that markets are inherently unpredictable to an extent and there's no magic potion that will allow anyone to predict how assets will behave today, tomorrow or a week from now. ... Read More

Beat the Market with our Model Portfolio

Posted on 5th Jul 2020 by the LSS team
#model portfolio #models #signals

Our premium and crypto subscribers get access to the full range of LSS (crypto) signals, which they can use to their own benefit in their own investment processes. In addition they get access to our flagship model portfolios for both traditional/crypto and pure crypto assets. This is the product where all of our best ideas come together and we wanted to highlight some of the recent risk/return characteristics and the benefits of following along with our trading signals here.... Read More

Model Portfolio Performance Snapshot (July 2020)

Posted on 11th Jul 2020 by the LSS team
#model portfolio #performance

Just leaving this here.. a snapshot of our model portfolio performance thus far in 2020. Here at we provide day to day quantitative trading signals on (as of writing) 25 assets, which on average have had a 72% win rate (with the winners gaining 23% on average and the losers losing 6%). However, the real strength of our approach shines through in our model portfolios which are up +66% (crypto and traditional), +28% (traditional only) or +237% (crypto only) on year-to-date basis.... Read More
